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Washington (WA) Property Tax Info

Property Tax Rank in US (best =1) 27
Corporate Tax Rank in US (best =1) 41
Sales Tax Rank in US (best =1) 49
Effective Real-Estate Tax Rate 1.00%
Is Personal Property Taxable Yes 
Washington State Website
Capital Olympia
Largest City Seattle
Largest Metro Area 3,939,363

Important Dates

For Real Property

  • Washington Property Tax Filing Deadline Apr 30
  • Washington Property Tax Appeal Deadline Before June 30 of assessment year

For Business Personal Property

  • BPP Filing (Rendition) Deadline 30-Apr
  • BPP Appeal Deadline 1-Jul, the later of 1) July 1 of the year of assessment 2) Within 30 days after the date an assessment or value change notice is mailed (in 31 of WA’s 39 counties) 3) Within 60 days after the date an assessment or value change notice is mailed (for the remaining 8 counties, which includes all the major metros)

Washington County Property Tax Rate

Washington County Property taxes are limited by a number of laws that put caps on the amount homeowners can be taxed, and the amount those taxes can increase in a given year. Specifically, the total of general, non-voter approved taxes cannot be more than 1%, and the total tax levy in an area cannot increase by more than 1% in a year.

Washington County Tax Rate - personal property tax

Washington State has property tax rates below the national average of 1.07%. More specifically, the state’s average effective tax rate is 0.93%. Property tax rates in the Evergreen State can be divided into two groups: general, non-voter approved rates, and voter-approved special levies.

How Does the Washington Property Tax Works in State?

In Washington State, taxes on real estate account for about 30% of all state and local tax revenues. Property taxes pay for local services like fire protection, public schools and parks.

Tax rates apply to those assessed values. They are calculated based on the total of assessed value in a given tax district, and the total budget of a given taxing authority. So, for example, if the sum of assessed values is $500,000 and taxing authority needs revenue of $2,500, the rate would be 0.5%.

Oregon differs from other states with the way it handles property taxes in that a home’s market value does not always decide its property tax rate. Taxes can instead apply to its maximum assessed value in the event that this number is lower than market value.
