Nevada (NV) Property Tax Info
Property Tax Rank in US (best =1) | 10 |
Corporate Tax Rank in US (best =1) | 25 |
Sales Tax Rank in US (best =1) | 44 |
Effective Real-Estate Tax Rate | 0.70% |
Is Personal Property Taxable | Yes |
Nevada State Website | |
Capital | Carson City |
Largest City | Las Vegas |
Largest Metro Area | 2,231,647 |
Important Dates
For Real Property
- Nevada Property Tax Filing Deadline July 31
- Nevada Property Tax Appeal Deadline 15-Jan
For Business Personal Property
- BPP Filing (Rendition) Deadline 31-Jul
- BPP Appeal Deadline 15-Jan
Nevada Property Tax Rate
Nevada Property taxes in pay for local services such as roads, schools and police. However, the property tax rates in Nevada are some of the lowest in the U.S. The state’s average effective property tax rate is just 0.53%. Compared to the 1.07% national average, that rate is quite low.
Nevada’s property tax rates are among the lowest in the U.S. The state’s average effective property tax rate is just 0.53%, which is well below the national average of 1.07%.