Iowa (IA) Property Tax Info
Property Tax Rank in US (best =1) | 35 |
Corporate Tax Rank in US (best =1) | 48 |
Sales Tax Rank in US (best =1) | 15 |
Effective Real-Estate Tax Rate | 1.50% |
Is Personal Property Taxable | No |
Iowa State Website | |
Capital | Des Moines |
Largest City | Des Moines |
Largest Metro Area | 655,409 |
Important Dates
For Real Property
- Iowa Property Tax Filing Deadline Exempt
For Business Personal Property
- BPP Filing (Rendition) Deadline Exempt
- BPP Appeal Deadline Exempt
Iowa Property Tax Rate
Iowa Property taxes in state are a major source of revenue for local governments and services, including public schools. Taxes are collected annually, based on assessed property values that are recalculated every two years.
Iowa has a statewide average effective property tax rate of 1.53%, which is well above the 1.07% national mark. As a result, Iowa has the 11th-highest effective rate in the country.
Iowa property taxes are paid annually in two installments, due on Sept. 1 and March 1 every year (though they are not considered late until the following month). Taxes are based on two factors: the assessed value of the property and the total local tax rate. Property values in Iowa are assessed every two years by county and city assessors.