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Alabama (AL) Property Tax Info

Property Tax Rank in US (best =1) 15
Corporate Tax Rank in US (best =1) 23
Sales Tax Rank in US (best =1) 50
Effective Real-Estate Tax Rate 0.40%
Is Personal Property Taxable Yes
Alabama State Website
Capital Montgomery
Largest City Birmingham
Largest Metro Area 1,151,801

Important Dates

For Real Property

  • Alabama Property Tax Filing Deadline Jan 1
  • Alabama Property Tax Appeal Deadline Apr-Jul, Within 10 days of final publication of assessment notice

For Business Personal Property

  • BPP Filing (Rendition) Deadline 31-Dec
  • BPP Appeal Deadline May 1

How much is property tax in Alabama?

Alabama property tax rate are due on Oct. 1 of each year and any taxes unpaid as of Dec. 31 are considered delinquent. Taxes are based on property’s value, although actual millage rates apply to “assessed” value, which varies depending on the primary use of the property.

For residential property, the assessed value is 10% of the appraised, or market, value. So, for example, a home with an appraised value of $200,000 would have an assessed value of $20,000 (10% of $200,000). If that home was subject to a total property tax rate of 30 mills, the total annual property tax would be $600 ($20,000 x [30 / 1000]).

Alabama Property Tax Rate - personal property tax Records

Alabama Property Tax Rate Info Records

Alabama has some of the lowest property taxes in the country. While property taxes in the state serve as an important source of revenue for local governments, public services and education, the average Alabama homeowner pays just $609 per year in property taxes. That’s about a quarter of the national average of $2,578.

